$$ Over Mind Over Matter

For the new fMRI entrepreneurs (see article in the
New York Times),
WOULD that thinking made it so... But Christopher deCharms, the chief executive of Omneuron, a start-up in Menlo Park, Calif., believes the adage.
The company he founded has created technologies that teach sufferers to think away their pain, and plans to similarly treat addiction, depression and other intractable neurological and psychological conditions.
Omneuron is one of a number of new companies that are commercializing a brain-scanning technology called real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI. Using large scanners to measure blood flow to different parts of the brain, the technology makes the brain’s activity visible by revealing which of its parts are busiest when we perform different tasks.
Because it's obvious that knowing what parts of the brain "light up" during states of pain, addiction, depression, compulsive hand washing, paranoid delusions, epileptic seizures, etc. will cure those conditions. Right?
Superficially similar to an older technology, electroencephalogram biofeedback, which measures electrical feedback across multiple areas of the brain, fMRI feedback measures the blood flow in precise areas of the brain. [but is 100 times more expensive]
Ugh, and there's more:
Other entrepreneurs are working on ways to deploy fMRI as a lie detector, a tool for conducting marketing research or [Ed. note: a worthwhile application as] an instrument to make brain surgeries safer and more precise.
Yes, another popular fMRIology article about lie detection and neuromarketing. Read the article in
The New Yorker instead.
Brain Scans Could Influence Jurors More Than Other Forms Of Evidence
It's surely just a matter of time until functional MRI brain scans are admitted in US and UK courts. Companies like No Lie MRI have appeared, and there have been at least two recent attempts by lawyers in the USA to submit fMRI-based...
Imaging The Brain To Control The Mind
For the first time anywhere in the world, psychologists at California-based company Omneuron and Stanford University have demonstrated that people can be taught how to reduce their experience of pain with the aid of real-time images of their brain activity....
Would I Lie To You Yet Again?
The Deception Blog alerts our attention to yet another breathless and swooning report on reading the fMRI tea leaves of lie detection in their post, More fMRI stuff and nonsense. The ABC report says virtually nothing specific about what purportedly happens...
Imaging Technologies And Mental Disorders: Potential Vs. Use?
From tomorrow's New York Times:Can Brain Scans See Depression? By BENEDICT CAREY The New York Times Published: October 18, 2005 They seem almost alive: snapshots of the living human brain. Not long ago, scientists predicted that these images, produced...
Truth-telling And The Brain
Can brain-imaging technologies show whether we are being truthful or not? A current study, reported by Reuters (as found on the Houston Chronicle website), takes a look:Brain scans can tell who's lying, who's not
Reuters News Service
Nov. 29,...